Low back pain will affect many of us at some point in our lives. The vast majority of the time back pain will resolve with the correct management. Very often we can become overly protective of our backs when we experience pain in the lower back region which can lead to a fear of movement and ultimately contribute to more problems down the line.
Understanding back pain is an important part of avoiding this scenario and will help with your recovery. 

Some potential contributing factors to your back pain :

Pain in the lumbar region (lower back) can be caused by a number of structures and in many cases there may not be an obvious structural cause.

While it’s not necessarily a direct cause of lower back pain, disc related pain can be caused by one or more discs in the lumbar spine, in more severe cases there may be what is known as a disc herniation. This can contribute to compression of a nerve root in the lumbar spine which can lead to “sciatic” pain or nerve pain/sensation changes down the leg.
Degenerative changes in the joints (which is normal as we age) can also lead to symptoms such as aching low back pain and occasionally severe pain. The cause of the pain may be coming from the hip or in many cases, the issue is simply a lack of mobility or strength that is causing a mechanical overload of the area and there may not be any significant structural injury. 

Management of back pain in the clinic

Our approach with back pain in the clinic is firstly to identify what the issue is specifically. Are we dealing with any of the structural causes discussed above, or is this more a movement capacity or strength issue (which is more frequently the case!) ?
Once we have identified this, we develop a management plan. We then assess the mobility and strength of the lower back and surrounding areas, for example at the hip & thoracic spine. We tailor a specific rehab programme based on your own needs, your lifestyle, your physical ability and the findings of your initial assessment, we agree on a plan that is achievable and fits into your daily life.

Usually this will start with some basic mobility and light isolated strengthening of the targeted areas. We work towards progressing this to a more functional rehab programme that reflects what you will be doing in your daily life or as part of your preferred hobby or sport. This might be something as simple as picking up your kids or grandchildren, to a round of golf or a game of football.

We always encourage an active recovery from back pain and aim to educate our clients throughout the process so you have an understanding of your issue and have the tools to manage your own back pain going forward.

If you have questions on any of the above or indeed have a query about other types of shoulder injuries feel free to drop me a line & I will be happy to discuss this with you.

Phone : 046 9062265

Email : reception@mcenteephysio.com